You may have heard the website (CMS for short) the term content management systems, though maybe you’re not quite familiar with what it really is and does.

They’re one of those things that’s both a crucial component to having an easy-to-update website but also obscurely flies under the radar with most non-developers.

So, what is a Website CMS, anyway?

The short definition:

A CMS is a platform that helps developers create a good tool for editors to edit content. It makes a website easily updatable as it’s a way to edit your content without having any coding knowledge.

The long definition:

Essentially, a CMS is just a way to manage content—whether it’s text or images or other types. Typically, it has the ability to have multiple users contributing and editing content with different levels of permissions—that’s its main job.

The most common use, though, is to have both the editing and the website be a part of the same platform. Really, a CMS’s purpose is to manage content such as text, images, rich media, videos, and anything else that falls under the category.

The real benefit of a content management system (CMS) is to make it easy for non-technical people to manage content that will be delivered in some sort of way—the most common of which is through a website.

You don’t necessarily need to use a CMS as a front end to your website; it could also deliver the content through something like an API which is then parsed by different applications (website, mobile app, etc.).

Technically, you can separate the front end part of the website from the CMS. For example, you can create a blog article and then use some other static website to push content to it—or rather, the website reads content from WordPress. The CMS doesn’t have to be built into your website; you could easily separate content and delivery if need be.


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